The South Boston Association of Nonprofits supports Black Lives Matter and we encourage you to join us. Below is a list of steps we’ve taken to be a part of the movement to date:
SBANP has had internal conversations at the Board and Membership level
We have shared our own personal stories and have invited folks to talk about how ‘we’ are experiencing this moment in time
We have organized a ‘book club’ –with a focus on anti- racist reading material…the 1st book is “How to be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X Kendi
We have printed signs and banners in support of BLM and will display them across our community
Reverend William Dickerson guest speaking at next SBANP meeting 7/28/20 on Zoom to lead a discuss racial justice
Hearing his story and perspective
Learning more about – the Black Lives Matter Movement and how we can be allies in this moment
Understanding what ‘white privilege’ really means
What is the ‘defund the police’ effort and can we support both BLM and the Police — how do we do that?
Help us frame our language eliminating ‘buzz words’ and using concrete language to be part of this change – here in South Boston and beyond
If you’re new to this movement and would like to learn and understand more, please see the resources below:
What is BIPOC and what does it mean:
What Black Lives Matter Means (and Why It’s Problematic to Say “All Lives Matter”):
What does the phrase “defund the police” actually mean:
Five Common Misconceptions About Black Lives Matter
ADL Debunk: Disinformation and the BLM Protests
What is the BLM movement and who started it?