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SBANP on Black Lives Matter

Updated: May 9, 2023

The South Boston Association of Nonprofits supports Black Lives Matter and we encourage you to join us. Below is a list of steps we’ve taken to be a part of the movement to date:

  • SBANP has had internal conversations at the Board and Membership level

  • We have shared our own personal stories and have invited folks to talk about how ‘we’ are experiencing this moment in time

  • We have organized a ‘book club’ –with a focus on anti- racist reading material…the 1st book is “How to be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X Kendi

  • We have printed signs and banners in support of BLM and will display them across our community

  • Reverend William Dickerson guest speaking at next SBANP meeting 7/28/20 on Zoom to lead a discuss racial justice

    • Hearing his story and perspective

    • Learning more about – the Black Lives Matter Movement and how we can be allies in this moment

    • Understanding what ‘white privilege’ really means

    • What is the ‘defund the police’ effort and can we support both BLM and the Police — how do we do that?

    • Help us frame our language eliminating ‘buzz words’ and using concrete language to be part of this change – here in South Boston and beyond

If you’re new to this movement and would like to learn and understand more, please see the resources below:

What is BIPOC and what does it mean:

What Black Lives Matter Means (and Why It’s Problematic to Say “All Lives Matter”):

What does the phrase “defund the police” actually mean:

Five Common Misconceptions About Black Lives Matter

ADL Debunk: Disinformation and the BLM Protests

What is the BLM movement and who started it?


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